Digital Artist
Freelance Illustrator
[email protected]


Commission openings are announced through Twitter and Furaffinity. They are not first-come first-served. There will be a google form available from which the commissions will be selected.
I have no specific schedule as of now, but keep an eye out for future openings if you're interested. I recommend enabling notifications for my twitter if you'd like to be among the first to know!

Prices are based on complexity. Use the following as base prices.Simple backgrounds (such as simple shapes, colors, and patterns) where no scene is being established, are free.Additional characters can be added for around +90% of base price.The following prices are calculated using an average hourly rate.If you have any questions regarding pricing, please feel free to ask.

Simple Style

A simple style characterized by line art and flat cel-shading with hard edges.

  • $70 - Bust Portrait

  • $135 - Two Thirds Body

  • $160 - Full Body

  • Add a background starting at +60% of base price

  • Make your image flat colors only (no shading) for a -15% discount

Hybrid Style

A style inbetween simple and fully rendered, characterized by soft and hard shading. Lines will be removed in some areas. Not as much detail as a fully rendered piece.

  • $100 - Bust Portrait

  • $190 - Two Thirds Body

  • $230 - Full Body

  • Add a background starting at +60% of base price

Full Render Style

A painted style with complex shading. The highest quality and detail I can provide.

  • $150 - Bust Portrait

  • $285 - Two Thirds Body

  • $345 - Full Body

  • Add a background starting at +60% of base price

  • Make your image greyscale (black and white) for a -25% discount

Experimental Style

A loose, expressive style currently reserved for busts and two-third body portraits. Subject to my own experimentation. No complex backgrounds.Note: Can lean into the "Disco Elysium" inspired style upon request! (Pictured left)

  • $135 - Bust Portrait

  • $200 - Two Thirds Body

Commission Info

Opening Availability

  • Commission openings are announced via Twitter, Furaffinity, Bluesky, and Tumblr. I recommend following and enabling notifications on my twitter if you'd like to be among the first to know of any future openings!

  • Commission openings are not first-come first-served.

  • A google form will be provided with each opening, and will stay up for a few days. Simply fill out the form, and when the time expires, I will manually select the commissions for that batch. You'll hear back from me if your commission was chosen.

Process and Workflow

  • Please provide as much reference as necessary. Included but not limited to: Expression, mood, pose, outfit, background (if relevant), and general vibe. Artistic freedom is okay too, but some general idea of mood/pose is preferred to point me in the right direction.

  • No NSFW or explicit content. Suggestive is okay. If unsure, just ask.

  • Deadlines are not accepted.

  • Time to finish a piece can vary from a couple days to 2 weeks depending on complexity, once I start working on it.

  • Time to get around to your piece can vary greatly depending on your position in the queue. Generally, the time to get through the entire queue will not exceed 3 months. (Aiming for about 5 commissions per month.)

  • You will be sent a sketch for approval before moving forwards with the piece. If you want changes, this is the best time to ask. Changes after this point are limited to small adjustments only.

  • If the piece is a more complex scene, I will provide a few rough thumbnail sketches to choose from.

  • I may contact you at any point in regards to clarifying details.

  • Once completed, you will recieve a full resolution image with and without watermark.

Payment and Fees

  • See my prices here.

  • Prices are in USD.

  • Price will vary based on complexity. Treat the prices listed as base prices.

  • "Two Thirds" bodies are usually the best for interesting portrait compositions, providing a good amount of detail while remaining focused on the character.

  • Simple backgrounds (such as simple shapes, colors, and patterns) where no scene is being established, are free.

  • Additional characters can be added for around +90% of base price (excluding background).

  • Payment will be made upfront through a Paypal invoice.

  • You can pay as soon as I give you the slot, or when I get to your commission. Work will not begin until the invoice is paid.

Terms of Service

  • I reserve the right to decline a commission for any reason.

  • Commissioned work will be uploaded to my gallery. However, you do have the option to remain anonymous.

  • My work is entirely digital. No physical goods will be shipped.

  • As the artist, I own the copyright to all works commissioned. Commisioned work is for personal use only, i.e., not commercial use.

  • As a client, reposting the work is okay as long as proper credit is provided (signature visible and/or a link to my profile.)

  • Refunds are not accepted at any point past the sketch phase. If a refund is requested during the sketch phase, you will recieve a partial refund proportional to the work already done.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask!